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Mission, Vision, Value, Positioning


CRM Logic Mission Statement:

Guided by sound professional ethics and quality, we work to successfully implement well-integrated, user-friendly CRM systems that better position our clients to exceed their customer sales and service expectations. 


By avoiding common implementation pitfalls of Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS) solutions, we protect the client’s investment by delivering a solution that makes sense for them and that grows with their business.


CRM Vision Statement:

Our vision is one of unparalleled CRM success for our clients because of our partnership.  We provide a clear path for clients to better understand their customers, and this insight enables clients to deliver customer excellence and achieve business goals.


Our logical approach combines a user-centered focus with a seamless integration of people, process, and technology. No other CRM service providers in the marketplace know how to implement Siebel the way we do nor do they work with the same openness, honesty and attention to detail. 


We are a premiere implementer of effective CRM because we think it through.  We get what it takes to achieve the ultimate measure of CRM success.


The CRM Logic Value Proposition:

With respect, trust, and honesty, we deliver user-friendly Siebel CRM solutions which yield measurable improvements in productivity, collaboration, and customer experience.


CRM Logic Positioning Statement:

For companies implementing a first-time, enterprise CRM solution or those dissatisfied with their current solution, CRM Logic implements a user-friendly system which yields measurable improvements in productivity, collaboration, and customer experience.


Integrating people, processes and technology, we plan and implement a CRM solution which grows with the client’s business and that brings the “wow” factor to end-users by leveraging the full potential of the selected COTS CRM platform.


CRM Logic Tagline:

Clear Path to Measurable CRM Success

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Direct Mail   

Customer name


Dear customer name,


Wouldn’t it be great to have all the cash you need on hand – all the time?


Have you ever been frustrated by not having cash readily available to build inventory, meet payroll, or take advantage of current discount purchases?


Where is that cash when you need it?

Your checks aren’t useful until they’re cashed. Right?


The bank may be closed. It may be holding on to your business check until it clears. You don’t have time to get there, transact business and get back to work. It just isn’t convenient. What can you do?


Get cash fast

Now you can solve those problems with Pay-O-Matic, your local business check cashing store. It’s a quick in and out visit to get that gets you cash when you need it most – now waiting for a check to clear.

Getting cash is automatic with Pay-o-matic. That’s not just a slogan. It’s a fact.


It’s around the corner – and within
your reach

The cash you need is around the corner. Pay-O-Matic has over 150 convenient locations to serve you – many are open 24 hours. Getting there and back takes no time at all.

So if it’s after work hours and you need cash now, the bank can’t help you. But Pay-O-Matic can.


For your convenience

  • 150 locations – one is near your

  • Many locations open 24/7

  • Fast cashing of business checks

  • Other services available    

    •  buy & send money orders

    • pay bills

    • load pre-paid credit card

    • cash government checks, income tax checks, union checks

    • and more


Check us out – it’s fast and free

In business since 1050, Pay-O-Matic cashes over 5 million checks every year.  We love our customers. And we would love to give you the same great service.


Call us today to learn how you can have the cash flexibility you need to run your business – and how you can take advantage of all our financial services at the same time, in the same place.


Call 1-888-XXX-XXXX

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        Marketing copy


Introducing SunSport Optics:
Sunglasses for the Sports Enthusiast


At SunSport Optics, we develop innovative eyewear for active athletes -- specially designed sunglasses to add confidence for any golfer or athlete who must endure bright sunlight and changing weather conditions.


Just as important as your favorite driver, tennis racquet, bat, pair of skis, soccer ball or volleyball, is the pair of sunglasses you choose to protect your eyes and help perfect your game.


Golfers go long or short with SunSport sunglasses

Our Golf Division frames are specifically formatted to allow golfers to play the game with confidence. Our sunglasses have an open rim design to enhance the line of sight to the ball unlike full frame alternatives. There is no need to remove these sunglasses during the swing. 


We began development with six specific golf styles with unique lens colors that enhance the light for better sight acuity to accommodate different tastes of golfers, and after a strong acceptance, decided to address the market for athletes in other sports.


Spiking, serving or swinging: SunSport sunglasses stay on

In our Xtreme Sport Division, we developed high quality, affordable sunglasses for people who love staying active.  Couch potatoes need not apply.   Whether on the sunny slopes or sizzling sand, on the playing field or in the fishing hole, our sunglasses are giving the sports enthusiast that extra protection. From rugged outdoor sports to leisure sports, the right sunglasses will bring more enjoyment to any activity.


Designed to stay in place and protect your eyes and withstand any punishment, SunSport sunglasses will allow you to focus more on the competition. For contact sports, bumps and spills, these sunglasses have shock-resistant frames and use natural pressure-points to stay in place. And in a variety of colors, frames and lenses, there is a style for virtually any taste.


Catch a meeting or catch a plane: SunSport sunglasses travel well

 The harmful effects of sun glare are not limited to athletes. Anyone who goes in and out of buildings, works outside or travels can benefit from wearing our sunglasses. We are targeting this active business crowd with our newest unit, our Executive Division.

Seven years of research yields break-through technology and design

We have been refining sunglasses for athletes for over seven years. Observing all the problems which happen with traditional sunglasses, our engineers studied ways to limit sunglass slippage and bounce, scratching and smudging, breaking, fogging and just plain falling off.

Frame Technology: new industry standards for safety, durability

We are proud to use Griltech TR-90 frame technology in all our sports performance eyewear, with features like:

  • Virtual Weightlessness:

  • Strength:

  • Resiliency:

  • Shock Resistance

Lens Technology: highest clarity possible

All our lenses feature Evercoat, the latest technology in lens coating that is:

  • Smudge-Proof

  • Scratch-Proof

  • Anti-Static

SunSport Optics: an active (yet comfortable) place in the sun

For more information on how we can help you harness the light of the sun without the harm, please contact us. We will help you find a style that works for you. Check out our website at   We believe the most important equipment you carry is not in your bag or briefcase, but on your face.

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Taglines and Headlines

Corporate tagline for GenRad (Automated Test Equipment):  The best in test.
This positioning tagline led the company from $67 million to $500 million.


Web headline for Chobanian Consulting: Sharing the customer experience


Sponsor-promotion for HowComo (action sports video – like GoPro) - headlines:

  • 50 billion extreme reasons to demo your product

  • Achieve superstar status

  • Affiliate your product with the superstars who use them


Award-winning brochure for Glaser Bros. tobacco & candy distributors:
Title: Growth of a Wooden Indian


  • Where there’s smoke

  • The computer: another “el primo”

  • Quality + Service: an aromatic blend

  • Visions of sugar plums


Web positioning for CRM Logic: Clear Path to Measurable SRM Success


Direct mail headlines for Honeywell computer products:

  • (Graphic: minuteman pewter sculpture): Head: When supplies are low, every minute counts

  • (Graphic: owl pewter sculpture): Head: Scare up some Fall savings and catch me in the bargain

  • (Graphic: roadrunner pewter sculpture): Head: No need to run around for supplies; order them all from Honeywell and save

This series generated several hundred thousand dollars.


Realtor headlines

  • 440 Park West, New York: Nature’s nest: Beautiful 1BR Apt. borders Central Park

  • The Link, New York: Your buyer might be across the street – or across the globe


Blog article headlines I wrote for 150 blog articles:

  • 5 ways to make money at home

  • You might be 3 feet from gold

  • There’s money at the bottom of every pool

  • The prize could be outside the box

  • How your cell-phone can be a sell-phone

  • How to erase the writing on the wall

The Power of Passion and Healing:
The Blood-Red Ruby













Bring more passion to your love life with the beautiful Ruby, the gemstone for deeper love and greater commitment. Coming from India, Burma or Thailand, the Ruby brings the contentment of the East to its owner. Worn on the left hand, the Ruby enhances life force and if received as a gift, reflects the love and friendship of the giver.


The Ruby also has well-known healing powers, working in concert with the heart and arteries to positively affect blood flow throughout the body. Can’t sleep at night? Wear the Ruby or put it under your pillow. Sweet dreams will ensue.


Ruby held for ransom

One of the most famous Rubies – the Delong Star Ruby – was recovered after being stolen and ransomed (along with the Star of India Sapphire) in 1964 for $25,000. Weighing 100.32 carats, it is now back home at the Natural History Museum in New York.












Ruby related to Sapphire

The Ruby has long been considered a close relative of the Sapphire. In fact it can be said that the Ruby is a form of Sapphire. The Pink Ruby is actually called a Pink Sapphire.


Color counts

The most desirable color is blood red which is red with a blue tint. Rubies from Burma often have this color and can be worth millions of dollars. The blood red or “Burmese Ruby” is also called “Pigeon’s Blood Ruby.”


So whether you are buying a Ruby ring, necklace, pendant or other personal accessory, make sure to protect it with one of our beautiful jewelry boxes. Reduce the threat of theft and ransom.

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Stepford Wives revisited








There was something strange about those Stepford Wives. They looked alike and acted alike and spent most of their time tending to their husbands. It was all chronicled in the 1975 movie (as well as the remake in 2004).


I believe these poor “ladies” never had the time – or the desire, it seems – to pick out their own furniture. But if they did, I’m sure it would all look the same. There would be no individuality allowed.


Robots don’t get to have fun

So, Katharine Ross (in the original) and Nicole Kidman (in the remake), each of whom suspected foul play, were the only ones who would have cared about originality. They might have thought about replacing those plain home furnishings with contemporary leather or teak.


They obviously were uninformed about the unique creations of Andi-Le Designs.


Creative  movie sets

It is perhaps more interesting to note the original furniture in other movies, like the egg-shaped chairs in Men in Black, 2007. These pod-like pieces were designed by Arne Jacobson and appeared in many movies especially in the 1960s.


The marvelous Louis XVI parlor set also appeared several times in movies including Marie Antoinette (1938), Meet Me in St. Louis (1944), and Gigi (1958).


While Edward worried about the wolves in Twilight (2008), he at least had a comfortable bed to sleep in. It happened to be the marvelous daybed of Ludwig Mies van der Rohes.


Rich and ornate Victorian pieces found their way onto the set of the Unsinkable Molly Brown (1964). Their designers, the Herter Brothers, had to be happy with the notoriety.


Original furniture for you

There are a lot of memories like these waiting to happen at Andi-Le Designs. Find just the right piece that will have your friends giving you a standing ovation.


Written for a furniture designer

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Article written for gambling website.

From Swords to Spades:

The First Card Decks Honored Royalty

Where did the cards of today originate? What persons or events formed the basis for the variety of characters used as graphics? Why do we have Jacks, Queens and Kings? How did card games get to the “New World?” Here are a few theories.


Card games go back 2,000 years, and records show that card games were played in ancient Egypt, China and India. The Greek term for “paper” eventually led to the English word “card.”


In the fourteenth century, card-playing Crusaders brought the games to Europe. Johann Gutenberg used his printing press to print, not only his famous Bible, but a deck of cards, in 1440.


Suits were based on feudal classes

The deck comprised 78 cards divided into four classes representing feudal societies of the time. These cards were called “Tarots” and they evolved into the card deck of today.

The nobility was represented by the symbol of a sword. The Spanish word for sword, “espadas” became today’s “Spades.”


Merchants often used square coins which, when turned on end, look like diamonds. The serfs used clubs to defend themselves, although it is not clear if they were “clover-shaped.” The church had an emblem of a chalice or grail, and from its shape emerged the heart symbol of today.


Court jesters livened the deck

Gutenberg’s deck of 78 tarots included 22 “trumps” (called “atouts”) and 56 other cards. These other cards comprised four suits, each with 10 numbered cards plus a king, queen, knight, and “jester” (later called a joker).

The term “trump” is still used today to identify superior cards or suits in some games.


Alexander the Great carried a big club

As for the face cards, we can thank royalty and world leaders for them, since these cards were historically based on actual persons. For example, Charlemagne was the model for the king of hearts; the Hebrew King David was the king of spades; Julius Caesar, the king of diamonds; and Alexander the Great, the king of clubs.


Helen of Troy broke many hearts

Known for her beauty and power, Helen of Troy was remembered as the queen of hearts; Palas Athena, the queen of spades; the Bible’s Rachel became queen of diamonds; Joan of Arc, queen of clubs.


Sir Lancelot: Was the Round Table used for poker?

Comfortable with either sword or club, Sir Lancelot more often was modeled the knight (“jack”) of clubs. It isn’t really known whether the Round Table was used for playing cards; it was probably too big.


Other famous soldiers who became inspirations for the jack were Charlemagne's nephew Roland for diamonds and another of his lieutenants, Le Danois, for spades. It was a soldier of Charles VII of France, Etienne de Vignoles, who became the subject for jack of hearts.


The Santa Maria set sail with more than one deck

Christopher Columbus kept his sailors busy on their quest for a new world by providing them with card decks, and in 1492 brought the modern deck as we know it to America.

While cards may have lost most of their historical significance, they still provide a great deal of recreation and enjoyment to players of all ranks and nationalities the world over.

The betting world is stunned:

Paul the Octopus, R.I.P.

The most famous predictor of World Cup matches, Paul the Octopus, has passed away at the age of 2 ½, according to officials at Sea Life Aquarium in Berlin. He died peacefully, in his sleep.


 Paul became known around the world for his accuracy in correctly predicting the winner of every World Cup match including Spain’s victory over the Netherlands in the Final game and Germany’s victory in the Consolation game.


Paul was a Facebook favorite

Having many Facebook pages dedicated to him, and thousands, perhaps millions, of followers throughout the world, his passing is being mourned by bettors everywhere.

Sea Life Aquarium spokeswoman Ariane Vieregge said in Oberhausen that Paul seemed fine Monday night but was found dead in his tank Tuesday morning. He died of natural causes. Octopi usually live between 2 and 3 years.


He tickled TV viewers with tentacled tips

A television celebrity, Paul the tentacled oracle correctly picked every World Cup match, with many bettors walking in to betting parlors saying “I’ll take whatever the Octopus picked.”

Paul opened a box decorated with the Spanish flag to eat his mussels, indicating to a world television audience that Spain would win the Championship. He was correct in 7 out of 7 predictions.


The wannabees were left in his wake

There are other wannabes in the animal and bird kingdoms who may lay claim to being the world’s best predictor of future events. Mani, the Psychic Parakeet of Singapore is one. But he did not foresee Spain’s victory (nor did he predict the untimely demise of Paul).

Then, there is another German of note, Lorenzo the Parrot of Hannover. And we can’t leave out Dirty Harry, the saltwater crocodile who predicted not only Spain’s World Cup win but also the Australian general election by grabbing a chicken carcass dangling next to a caricature of the prime minister.

But there was only one true oracle, Paul the mollusk.


Cephalopod conspiracy theories abound

There were of course many theories as to how Paul actually died. Some thought it was the Germans who were angry about Paul’s selection of Spain over Germany. This is just one of many conspiracy theories.

One bettor said “not agreeing with Paul cost me $5.” He said he will definitely “pay more heed to prognosticating cephalopods in the future.”


Another observer thought it was time to honor Paul by making some good calamari out of him and sending it to the Spanish national team. A bit harsh, but intended to be in good taste.

While he was here, Paul was well cared for. According to Stefan Porwoll, manager of the aquarium where Paul lived, “We are consoled by the knowledge that he enjoyed a good life here.”


And now, it’s time for Paul to move on to that big sushi table in the sky, while the world awaits the next true prognosticator of professional sports.

R.I.P., Paul, R.I.P.

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